Nirvana Life: Tour of Nirvana and big news!
As promised, today's post offers a captivating tour of our enchanting sanctuary known as "Nirvana." Nestled within a serene valley, this 23-acre expanse was once a thriving organic CSA farm, complete with picturesque fields, enchanting woods, and a year-round stream...
Are you ready to meditate?
Many of us--I’d venture to say most of us--are scurrying through life wishing we had more time for this or that. Once we get “this or that” accomplished, there’s another something else that needs our attention. It’s exhausting. You’ve heard it before, but I’m going...
Life is but a dream – Understanding the Illusion of Reality
Have you ever had a dream that felt so real, you couldn't tell the difference between it and waking life? What if I told you that waking life is just another kind of dream - an illusion that we create in our minds? According to spiritual and philosophical traditions...
Mindfulness: A Guide to Living in the Present Moment
By being mindful, you can improve your mental and physical well-being, increase your focus and productivity, and develop a greater sense of peace and contentment in your daily life.
Is Religion Serving its Purpose?
As a meditator, my meaning of religion would be very different from the general audience, because I see religion from inside, not from outside. Usually, we see religion from the outside. What it offers is the comfort it gives us and the identity it gives us. It’s very...
We know too much about too many people. Most of it is unnecessary and doesn't serve any purpose to us. Still, our mind is occupied realizing how others are doing, and the lifestyle comparison begins. We've caught ourselves in the clutches of material possessions and...
Your Greatest Desire is your Greatest Obstacle
Desire is not just limited to the mind and body, but we have become so obsessed with the idea of our minds and bodies. Since our entire identity is built on this life - our life - then desiring becomes just a way of fulfilling the already-existing desires of the mind...
One Minute to Enlightenment
Listen to a voice recording of this talk on SoundCloud here Is Language Good or Bad? Is language our gift or is it a curse? Is language a boon or a bane? Is language helping us or hurting us? That's a fundamental question because somehow we have assumed that language...
What you can do with 20,000 breaths a day
Breath. It's one of those things that you don't really notice most of the time, sort of like the heart beat, but it's pretty incredible that we do it, on average, 20,000 times per day! Breath is our connection to life; one cannot live more than a few minutes without...
Controlling your Mind with your Body
Severe stress or panic attacks are moments when you feel you have no control over what's happening around you, you have no control over your mind and body, and is a direct result of uncontrolled excessive thinking about something - usually something negative. You're...
Origin of Meditation – Why Meditate?
Meditation is an ancient science that holds the key to finding the real you and figuring out this mystery called "Life". Really, there is way more to life than what we're experiencing. In this article, Avi explains, in great detail, the mystery of meditation and how...
In Search of Love
The invisible thread that connects us to everything, and everything else to us, is love. There is no meaning and purpose to life without love and yet how many of us really understand the real meaning of the word love. Love is unfortunately mistaken for so many other...