The Sanskrit word “Nirvana” means “Ultimate Liberation.” It describes one of the most profound internal experiences possible. It represents the moment when an individual transcends all conditioned limitations of the mind, including fear, boredom, and uncertainty, to experience an unparalleled state of internal bliss and joy.

“Nirvana” is a vision dedicated to the exploration of the inner mysteries of life. We are here to explore and experience life to its fullest by pursuing our own individual paths to awakening, as well as helping each other along the way. “Nirvana” is the ultimate spiritual destination for learning and growing in freedom, guided by an enlightened teacher.

Our Purpose

For too long, we have been conditioned to believe that there is only one way to live: a frantic sprint toward an ever-elusive future. Trapped in a cycle of fear, stress, and uncertainty, we are taught to accept pain and unpredictability as inherent parts of existence. At “Nirvana,” we reject this narrow philosophy of life.

Instead, we advocate for a simpler, more authentic, and more natural way of living. Our approach is not defined by future objectives or achievements but by a deeper, more intuitive understanding and appreciation of the present moment and all it has to offer. We believe that true fulfillment and happiness can only be found in embracing the here and now, without constantly chasing after some future ideal.

We are a curious bunch of people seeking the best of what life has to offer: inner peace, happiness, and a deeper connection with life. We are passionate about meditation and its tremendous possibilities.


About Nirvana

Originally from India, our teacher Nirvana embarked on his professional journey in the corporate sector shortly after completing his college education. Yet, at the age of 24, he realized that there was a void deep inside him that material achievements could never fill. Yearning for inner tranquility and a sense of purpose, he made the courageous decision to move away from home, leave his job, rent a modest room, and embark on a dedicated pursuit of meditation.

Devoting himself to intense meditation for several years, Nirvana underwent a profound spiritual awakening that forever transformed his life. Motivated by this newfound understanding, he eagerly began sharing his experience with others through various programs and retreats. In 2017, he traveled to the United States with one of his students, and upon his arrival, he intuitively knew that he had found a place to sow the seeds of consciousness and awareness.

Nirvana Foundation is a nonprofit organization aimed at providing individuals with opportunities to explore the realms of meditation and self-awareness through books and programs. Nirvana speaks twice a day, and his talks are recorded and transcribed by his students which are ultimately compiled into books for publication. Currently, our teacher resides and teaches in Tennessee, where development of the first Nirvana meditation retreat is under way.

Books By Nirvana

Secret Sutras

Inspired by the teachings of the ancient sage Patanjali and illuminated by the insights of the enlightened teacher Nirvana, this book guides you on your transformative journey toward liberation. Yoga, according to Patanjali, marks a profound transformation from the ordinary to the extraordinary, offering freedom from the relentless fluctuations of the mind and the fleeting allure of sense pleasures.

Patanjali’s eight-limbed path provides a scientific and intuitive roadmap to self-realization, starting with our external actions and leading inward to the sublime state of Samadhi. Whether you are already on the path or just beginning, this book offers the keys to unlock profound spiritual depths and realize your highest potential.


“Orgasm – Gateway to Enlightenment” invites you on a profound journey to explore the intersection of sexuality and spirituality, urging a deeper understanding of our consciousness through the lens of our most intimate experiences. This book challenges traditional views of sex, portraying it not just as a physical act but as a gateway to personal and spiritual discovery. Sexuality is a key component of spiritual growth.

Dive into the transformative power of intimacy, pleasure, and personal enlightenment. By embracing the full spectrum of our sexual experiences as sacred, we open ourselves to greater self- awareness and connection to the divinity within us. This journey is not only about uncovering the deeper meanings behind our desires but also about healing and growing through them.

Storm Before the Calm

“Storm Before the Calm” is not just a book; it’s a journey, a revelation penned by a seeker of truth during the most profound meditations of his life. Imagine the quiet of the night, the world asleep, and there, in the womb of meditative solitude, an individual who has distanced himself far from everything human dives into the depths of his being, his pen flowing with insights that challenge, illuminate, and transform. This book is Nirvana’s gift to us, a beacon that lights the path of self-discovery, clearing the obstacles that cloud our vision and hinder our steps.

Reading “Storm Before the Calm” feels like embarking on a grand quest with an illumined guide leading us through uncharted territories of the mind and spirit. Each page brings us a step closer to understanding the vast universe within us, calling us to awaken to our true purpose and embrace the beauty of our unique individuality. This book is an invitation to explore, to question, and ultimately, to find the clarity and peace that comes from realizing our true nature. It’s a journey of awakening, with a mystic’s words urging us to begin.

Dancing with Shadows

“Dancing with Shadows” is your invitation to explore the world of meditation, a guide that shines a light for both beginners and experienced seekers. This isn’t just a book of techniques; it’s a journey into connecting with ourselves and the universe. Through stories, insights, and practical advice, Nirvana dives into different meditation forms, from the physical Asana to the silent Vipassana, showing that there’s no one-size-fits-all in finding inner peace.

More than a book, “Dancing with Shadows” is a companion on your meditation path. It breaks down the complexities of meditation into accessible, relatable practices while celebrating the depth of each. Whether you’re curious about meditation, looking to deepen your practice, or just starting, this book guides you through your inner world, helping you embrace the light and shadows within. Let this be the start of your journey. Let the dance begin.

The Silent Path

Even some of the most generally accepted realities of life, such as society, religion, family, politics, success and failure, are all, at the end of the day, just ideas. If there is anything real to life, it emanates from within us. Growing up is simply a process of discovering how much of what we call life is shaped by our own unique individuality.

In “The Silent Path”, enlightened teacher Nirvana (Avi) gives us a hard-hitting message of finding our own individual path to freedom. He strips life down to its bare essentials, providing a systematic and scientific approach to self-transformation. Even at the risk of stepping on the toes of certain deeply held institutional beliefs, he answers the questions of seekers with unmatched honesty and openness.

The Greatest Love Story Never Told

Truth has infinite patience. It can quietly wait for centuries looking for the right opportunity to reveal itself. More than two thousand years in the making, this is the revolutionary book we have been waiting for – one that can remove the shroud of misunderstanding hanging over the magnificent lives of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, to reveal, for the first time, their true human story.

In Search of I

Are you curious about the practice of meditation, but unsure about where to begin? Look no further than “In Search of I – The Alchemy of Meditation”, a guidebook that demystifies meditation and shows you how to make it an integral part of your life.

In this book, enlightened teacher Nirvana (Avi) takes you on a magical journey through the labyrinth of meditation, answering some of the most important questions you may have about this ancient practice. Avi uses simple, easy-to-understand language to explain the benefits of meditation, as well as what it can and cannot do for you.

The Ocean in a Drop

Imagine a reality where life deviates completely from our current experience. Throughout countless generations, we have entered this world bound by family, religion, and society, passively absorbing the teachings of our predecessors without question.

In this captivating work, Nirvana (Avi) leads us on an enlightening expedition across various paradigms of human existence – the mind, knowledge, reality, religion, society, and evolution. He masterfully reveals the illusions, entrapments, deceptions, and manipulations that have held us captive, preventing us from embracing our genuine nature. By liberating ourselves from preconceived notions, we open the gateway to the ultimate encounter with life – an awakening to our authentic selves.

With awakened vision, Nirvana serves as our guide, unveiling the barriers hindering us from experiencing life in its purest essence. The profound insights within this book will expand your consciousness, deepening your comprehension of the true fabric of reality and propelling you forward in your quest for self-discovery.

The Whirling Dervish

Step into a world beyond time, where the verses of Rumi dance in eternal silence, revealing the essence of a mystical vision that has captivated our imagination for over seven centuries. Hidden within the words of this wise Persian sage, you’ll find a priceless treasure trove of wisdom that transcends all cultural and religious boundaries to open a playful path to self-discovery.

In this enchanting, witty and thought-provoking interpretation of Rumi’s poetic verses, enlightened teacher Nirvana (Avi) uncovers a hidden path to joy and contentment – the path of love. Prepare to be captivated by the fascinating exploration of Rumi’s longing heart – a journey that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.

“The Whirling Dervish” is not merely a book – it is a sacred pilgrimage through the hidden corridors of the heart. So, dear seeker of truth, take that first step into the mystical embrace of Rumi’s poetry. The path of love awaits, and with it, the revelation of your highest nature – a transformation that will illuminate your soul and set it aglow with the eternal flame of divine love.

Where The Hell Are You Going?

The present is not just a moment. It is a reality of its own that does not belong to time. It is next to impossible for the human mind to understand the present, for it dwells only in the past or the future. Perhaps this is why, as human beings – creatures bound to the mind – we struggle to comprehend the sheer magnanimity of mindfulness, the subtle art of being here and now.

In this fascinating deep dive into the world of the “Now,” enlightened teacher Nirvana (Avi) takes us on a magical journey through the labyrinth of the mind – its fears and afflictions, desires and disappointments – to a place pulsing with pure peace, bliss, and aliveness: the eternal now.

The reason we often miss the magic of the present moment is that it seems like too simple a solution for life’s complex problems. Yet, many times, it is the simplest things that are the hardest to understand. Navigating the mysterious realm of the now takes knowledge and skill. Who better to guide us on this magnificent journey than a realized teacher whose dwelling is the present moment?


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